
Monday, February 25, 2013

My Favorite Way to Wake Up

He nudges me in the soft early morning light.  It's not time to wake up, but he's so snuggly and sweet I can never refuse his small body burrowing under the covers next to mine.
"Are you mommy?" he whispers.
"Yes, I'm mommy."  This is something he does regularly in the dark, in the night, when the lights are low.  
"Are you my mommy?" he asks as he touches my face.
"Yes, I'm your mommy.  Your mama-mee."
"Are you the nicest mommy?" he wonders.
"Yes.  I am." (Well, what would you say?)
"Are you the prettiest mommy in the whole wide world?" he declares, not so much of a question and definitely not whispering anymore.
"Well, yes, sweet boy.  I guess I am."

My heart melted over and over as Grunter wrapped his little boy arms around my neck, hugging me tight as he said he loved me.
I've never been told I was the nicest or prettiest, but this little boy, MY little boy thinks his mommy is the best thing in the world.  It doesn't matter if I don't think I'm the prettiest mommy, which I assure you I do not, someone does.  My child.
What an amazing thing.

There have been many different 'favorite ways to wake up' in my 43 years, but right here, right now, this one tops them all.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Stolen Pregnancy Photos

Long time readers will remember that more than once in the past I have had my pregnancy photos stolen and posted on FB's accounts.
It's happened AGAIN.
I can't be sure, but I think this is the 5th time.
What is up with that?
Why would anyone post a photo of MY pregnant twin belly and then try to pass it off as their own for thousands of people to see??

And the irony of this last THIEF, is that the woman calls herself "Fashion" and yet she posts a belly shot of ME in Old Navy pj pants and a white sports bra?! WTF?!
Ha! Ha!
Not so fashionable!
If you're going to be all low class and steal photos, for god's sake at least do your homework a bit better.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Travel Abroad or Move Abroad?

These two motivate me to be a better person every single day.


"What's the plan?"

"I don't know.  I'm waiting.  It doesn't feel right.  I can't rush these things."

I stop asking and wait.  I've learned, after 12 years, that continuing to ask, push, prod and poke is not going to get me an answer I want.

That's where we were last fall.  I believe it was November, right about the time I started my blogging 'hiatus'.  It looked, at that time, that we might not travel at all.  Chicken had landed a prime project and had no plans of sacrificing career mobility in pursuit of travel.
Her words, "this is YOUR

Monday, February 4, 2013

Update #2 on Travel Lifestyle Goals

Hello, Mr. Crab, pleased to meet you

It's been so long since I've posted I hardly know where to start, so I'm just going to dive in with it.
Back in September--I can hardly believe it's already five months ago--I blogged about our travel lifestyle goals here.

So, I might as well start with some updates.  Let's go!

 Just another sunset in Ko Phayam

My friend, a former Hell's Angel.  We made an unlikely duo.

Financial Goals:

Accumulate enough frequent flier miles for