
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Moving to Paris with Young Children?

Things are moving at breakneck speed all of the sudden.
I knew it would happen like this, but it's still overwhelming.

Chicken has an interview in Paris.  She'll be flying out sometime in the next week or so (TBD).
The direct quote was "They feel very, very, very strongly about you" and a bunch of other fabulous things.
So, um, whoa.
If they* like her, she will be

Friday, June 7, 2013

How Do You Prepare for the Unknown?

We are gearing up here at Casa Puffer for travel.  Um, maybe.

The plan has always been to take off as much time as possible and travel as a family.
Originally we thought we'd be able to take a year, but the rules have changed at Chicken's employer and it's highly unlikely we'll even be granted 9 months.  We think we'll get 6 months and honestly that is a wonderful chunk of time to have as a family traveling together.

Once we decided we were really going to DO this, Chicken also decided she was ready to put a new message out to the universe:  Send an