
Monday, March 31, 2008

Maybe Just One More Day

Yes, dear reader, I know that I am crazy.  I may be the only blogger out there who has not tested before the required 14 days.  Let me know if you are crazy like me and actually wait two weeks.

I was going to POAS (pee on a stick) this morning, but as we were heading to dinner last night, K was informed that travel plans had changed and now she needed to fly to San Francisco Monday morning instead of Chicago.
But the flight to SF from NoLa was sold out...woohoo!!!  That means one more day with me in NoLa!  I am working Monday-Wednesday, but she'll join the team for dinner and I'll wait ONE MORE DAY to TEST!

However, today I have what I refer to as the PMS's my low grade headache that comes a day or two before I get my period.  It's not migraine painful--I do suffer from migraines, but it hangs around all day no matter what and that's what it's done all day today.
Quite annoying and a very probable sign that I'm not pregnant.

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