
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Subborn Lil Thing

My body is stubborn. It knows what today is and it does not care that I am shoving pills up my HooHa. Oh progesterone, I thought you were supposed to delay my period, mai non? Apparently my body says "fuck you hooha pills, I'll bleed if I want to". Which is exactly what it did last month, on this exact day. In all honesty I've only just started spotted, there's no river of red going on around here, but it will come, oh yes it will.
But wait! There's more! My temperature shot UP 4 points this morning. I mean really, WTF??
It's way too late for implantation spotting, but I am baffled. I'm either 13 or 14 DPO. Don't really know to tell you the truth.
Yesterday I had the almost, but not quite PMS headache...and a small one today. That's not normal as it's usually for one day and it's full on, but never for 2 days. I have no idea.

This weekend we are going to a friend's big gay wedding in Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA. Don't you just love that name?!
I fly to meet K in SF tomorrow and we are going to test together on Friday morning. We actually even went out and BOUGHT a damn pregnancy test--the first one EVER--because I knew I wouldn't get my period with the progesterone and I'd have to test. I don't know if I'll have to do that or not now.
And now...I'm wondering if I should just go to get the blood test tomorrow morning so I can have some answers about all of the craziness.
I know the HPT's don't always catch it right at 14/15DPO and I'd really like to know if I can drink champagne at the wedding or not!

Regardless, I have IVF orientation training next Wednesday. It sounds like all kinds of fun learning how to pump up those needles and shoot oranges. Can't wait. I wanted to go ahead and schedule the class so that I wouldn't miss it in September and be delayed another month.
In fact, I'd hoped with a BFN this month, that I'd keep on with the progesterone to delay my period just enough that I'd be able to start as soon as I returned from Indonesia in late September. But it is looking like my body has other plans for me. I mean we're talking ONE DAY.
IVF starts on Day 2 monitoring and as it's going right now, I'll miss it by ONE DAY and have to wait until October.

Hopefully all of the flying will throw my body off and I'll stumble into the clinic jet-lagged and bleary eyed the day after my return.

Or I'm pregnant. Whatever. Seriously at this point, I'm just ready to get on a plane and have some fun with my baby. I cannot wait to get to California.

PS--I'm much, much better than Sunday/Monday! Thank you so much for all of your kind words. I don't know what I'd do without this community.


  1. Spotting really? I absolutely wanted there to be no spotting or blood. I am really sorry....but I would not give up hope until you do a blood test or at least to a HPT. I hope that you guys have a great time at the wedding. I am thinking of you both, and please keep us updated about any results. xo.L

  2. I'm really hoping this is it for you.

    I LOVE Carmel - have a blast!

  3. Man, what a mind fuck! I hope it's good news. The testing together plan sounds nice but maybe the blood test isn't a bad idea. You'll be pissed if you're not sure about the champagne, pass it up and then get your period the next day. Or I would be!

    Traveling always messes up my cycles (I ovulated several days later than usual just from going to NY and ended up with a 31 day cycle instead of my usual 27 this time) so you never know about starting the IVF cycle in Sept. It could work out really well.

    Have a fabulous time at the wedding!

  4. Well, jeez, I hope it is just spotting early in your PREGNANCY. How much progesterone are you on? I was on 200mg last month and I spotted 11 days past O and got my period 12. I think I'm going to have to go on a stronger dose .... Have a great trip to CA!

  5. i know the plan was to test in CA with K, but given the new twist, i am inclined to vote for going and just getting the *big stick* at the doc office... then you have that info going into your trip.

    just my vote ;)

    have a great time... the drive down the CA coast is one of my most favorite things in life! enjoy.

  6. i hope the temp changes were due to implantation, and that the spotting is implantation spotting! im not giving up hope yet. Have fun in Carmel! We were just there a few weekends ago. I still recommend you go to Capitola, it's near Santa Cruz. It's absolutely adorable. Make sure you go to the downtown waterfront area. have fun!

  7. It's all just a big mind fuck, isn't it? I vote for the blood test, because I can tell you from personl experience that you will 2nd guess whatever the HPT tells you. In any case, have a great trip and enjoy the wedding.

  8. My clinic liked CD2 starts for IVF, but did start me on CD3, as CD2 was a Sunday (closed). Just so you know it's worth asking. Though of course, I hope this is just a moot point and you won't need to. Sorry about the mind games.
