
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Back on the Baby Making Train

Everything is A-OK.
My FSH is 10, E2 is 45 and while that's much higher than I'd like either of those numbers to's still OK and good to go.
I start the on Monday CD5-9.
Here's hoping it will be as effective as the last time.

We've decided to do December Clo.mid.
If needed, we'll do one more Cl.omid in January IF it hasn't thinned out my lining too much.
After that, we'll try one more IVF cycle with the new estrogen priming protocol.
I think that will be it for me.

By this point it will be Springtime...and if I'm still not pregnant we move to the final plan:
K becomes my egg donor.  We're not sure our insurance will cover that so I'm going to check on that this week.

It's good to have a plan and it feels good for the break to be over.


  1. Yeah for a plan!

    Yeah for good numbers!

    Yeah for clomid!!!

  2. A-ok is awesome! One month at a time...

  3. I bet it feels great to be back in the game. Wishing you much luck :-)

  4. Girl, I hope this is it! It's time don't you think!?!

  5. I'm glad you're back in the game with great numbers and no surprises from Aunt Flo.

  6. The plan sounds great. The numbers look great. Hooray for the end of the break!
