
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Well I Thought I Was....

But now that line is really dark.  Cool.
So I successfully avoided all bars, boys and booze last night only to now dodge the mile high club and a full moon.  Lord Help Me.

Off to Florida this afternoon.  Beaches!  Tennis!  Old people that eat dinner at 5:30!

I know over half the state thinks I'm some deviant form of Satan, but K's grandma loves her lesbians.


  1. Have a great trip! (You forgot sun! Warmth! Balmy nights and neon lights!)

  2. Have a sunshine-y time in gay old Florida!

    Kudos to you for POAS and charting on your month off. You are disciplined!

  3. Have fun with the old folks on the beach!

  4. enjoy CA! If you gals are near the SF bay area, let me know. We live about an hour south of SF and can meet up somewhere! (And since we're both on TTC hiatus, we can drink. haha) :) check out our awesome weekend weather coming up, too

  5. Have a relaxing time in FL! My grandma lives there, too. The states politics make it difficult to visit, but having somebody who loves you for who you are trumps the state's b.s.
