
Monday, August 24, 2009

Belly Shots (weeks 0-14) and Clothing Woes/Gains

OK, I am going to finally post some belly shots! I didn't take one every week, but I have for the last few and I will be taking one every week going forward. And yes, maybe...I will take a morning/evening shot and post it just for shits and giggles.

I'm still wearing all of my normal pants--just with a rubber band as they don't fasten anymore. Although...I think this week (14) may be the last of those pants. I noticed last night when I got home from Sushi Sunday that my zipper wasn't going up all the way. I have gained one pound a week for a total of 9 pounds so it's going somewhere....

Today, I'm going over to a friend's house who is two weeks away from giving birth. She's going to give me all of her maternity clothes that she's outgrown and then the 'bigger' things once she's done with them.

I scored a pair of 'maternity' pants at the most unlikely of places...For.ever.21! They are a linen blend with a cotton stretchy fold over waist. They are mostly like linen yoga pants, but they are going to be great once I get them hemmed. I can wear them for the rest of summer, plus next spring as well. Plus, only $12!
Then, I found two pairs of jeans for a great price on Craig's List, one pair is 7 for All.Man.Kind and the other from Mi.mi.Materni.ty. It's hard to find my size used and even though I have to get these hemmed (grr) I still saved over $150 from what I would've paid in the store.

Last week, I went through my closet and started a box labeled "clothes to wear when I'm skinny again" (think positive!). I was sad to do this as I'm trying not to panic that my hips and thighs (and yes, Shinda, possibly my ass) seem to be expanding along with my belly, but at the same time I was so happy to be moving in a new phase of my life. A phase where I am finally pregnant.
I can still wear a lot of my shirts that are blousy, but Chicken is one size up from me so her shirts have now become mine! I think I'll be able to get away with this for the next month or so?

Also--BRA EXTENDERS. Oh dear god how I love these. One night a couple of weeks ago Chicken and I were getting ready to go out to dinner and I was being bitchy and finally she said "WHAT is wrong with you?" And I almost started to cry as I realized I couldn't breathe because of my bra! My ribcage has already expanded so much, it's incredible.
Chicken's bras are also 32's, but she's a cup size bigger than very soon I'm going to outgrow my bras as I'm about to spill over and then I'll add bra extenders to Chicken's bras and wear those for awhile.
She's both amused and disturbed that her normal wardrobe has become my maternity wardrobe. Hee. Not for long honey, my belly will amaze us both very soon, I'm sure!

OK, here you go, my expanding belly:

One Month Before Starting Egg Donor IVF Cycle, 105

6 weeks pregnant with twins, 106
7 weeks, 1 day pregnant with twins, 107
9 weeks pregnant with twins, 109
11 weeks pregnant with twins, 111
12 weeks pregnant with twins, 112
13 weeks pregnant with twins, 113
14 weeks pregnant with twins, 114


  1. Great pictures! It's fascinating to me to see how you skinny gals look when you get pregnant. ;-)

    And yeah, I was watching one of those pg shows this weekend, and one of the doctors was talking about how pg weight gain is everywhere, not just in the stomach, and I don't think most people realize that. The bra thing has been the worst, considering that I was a 38/40G before starting.

  2. Look at that super cute pregnant belly! Girl, you were a twig before and now you will be a pregnant twig and then a mama twig...

  3. Sharing of clothes is one of the many wonderful benefits of being lesbians, isn't it?? lol I love the belly shots.. especially with the shadow on the wall behind you. :)

  4. You look fantastic--one hot mama! Look at that belly. HOORAY!

  5. You look fabulous! Your pre-pregnancy flat tummy is something i have never known :) but I can completely relate to the belly band and bra issue. At 14 weeks, I gave up the band and bought new bras (DD) a cup up from my previous body. Isn't it crazy to see our bodies changing week by week?

  6. Oh look at that little bump! You're looking fabulous. I think it's great you're able to steal from your wife's wardrobe for now. You're right that it won't last long, but you'll be amazed at what will work for some time. I just love that you're pregnant. :-)

  7. You look wonderful, and yes, you'll be in those boxed up clothes again.

    There was no wife clothes stealing in our house as Strawberry is built like you are and I am not!

  8. Oh you are so tiny! Jealous! Your little bump is adorable.

    I also took all my DW's old bras and she bought new as her size worked for me (I went from a B cup to a D cup in the first tri!). Thankfully, they didn't keep growing and her Ds are still working for me.

  9. Yup, you're getting yourself a cute little baby bump! I love it. More, more! :)


  10. Splendid! Enjoy the ride, sweetie. ;) I can't wait to be an auntie!!!

  11. adorable photos--you definitely popped--much more than when I saw you!

  12. I AM SO GLAD you put belly pics up! Ive been dying to see them! PS I am so jealous of how thin you are! You are gorgeous, girl! I definitely see a little pop happening on week 14. :) So exciting!

  13. What a cute little belly! You don't look like you could ever be fat. I'm sure that you'll be back in your normal clothes in no time after giving birth.

  14. Keep rocking those bikini's Puff. The bigger you get the more fun it is to wear them :)
