
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Strangest Anonymous FB Message

Do you ever get weird Face Book messages from people you don't know? Do people ever try to 'friend' you that you don't know?
I got a message last night from "ed jones". Now he doesn't ask to be my friend, but what is he doing in the middle of the night--just browsing profiles and sending people messages??

I mean, I'm all for accepting compliments but this is a little weird....
I wonder if he would have written this if he knew I was 40, hahahah!!!

"My lord, you look beautiful. Like a young princess with a flower in her hair. Oye, you're hot. I'd probably give fifteen years off my life to be with you. I hope your partner worships you."

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mexican Baby Moon at 21 weeks

We're back! Baby Moon was great! We had been throwing around different options for months but Chicken's project kept getting either delayed or extended and messing up our travel plans.

Finally, as the pregnancy progressed I admitted that what I really wanted to do was something we've not done before and probably won't be doing again. Not that's there's anything wrong with it--just that we're not those kind of travelers. We have no desire to go on a cruise, but we we went to what amounts to basically a cruise on land--an All Inclusive beach vacation!

Plus, I have always, always, always wanted to go to the beach pregnant in a bikini. Always.

I'd been seeing tons of last minute specials and we both agreed it sounded perfect for what we needed right now. Chicken works 12-14 hour days and often puts in a good 8-12 hours over the weekends as well. She hadn't had a proper vacation since we went to Cabo San Lucas for New Year's last year (which was also a last minute decision based on "fuck it's Christmas and I'm not pregnant again, let's get the hell out of here) and we knew this was our last chance as a couple to have this opportunity.

I will admit that going to Mexico so soon after the scare that we've named Poopfest 2009 gave me cause for concern. But I am happy to report that all went well and we did not have a repeat of Poopfest 2009.

So last Friday we hopped on a flight to Cancun, then had a 2 hour drive south to a resort near Tulum, Mexico.
Our general itinerary was:
  • Breakfast
  • Beach
  • Reading
  • Swimming/Snorkeling
  • Reading
  • Lunch
  • Back to the Beach
  • Reading
  • Swimming/Kayaking
  • Reading
  • Beach Walk
  • Shower
  • Pre-Dinner drinks (Cappuccino for Chicken and Limonada for me--we're crazy!!)
  • Dinner
  • Sit on the beach looking at the stars
  • Reading in bed with hands on stomach feeling the babies kick
  • Snuggling*
  • Sleep
Seriously, we did NOTHING else. We did not participate in any activities nor did we take any 'excursions'. We could care less about the cheesy nighttime cabaret/entertainment, etc. plus we don't drink.
We did take a collectivo one night to Playa del Carmen. Three years ago we were diving in the Bay Islands of Honduras and met this lovely Spanish dive instructor. She now lives in PDC, so we couldn't pass up a chance to have dinner with her when we were so close (about 30 mintues). But that is the only time we left the property until it was time to go back to the airport!

I had an "Oh Shit" moment when I put on my bikini bottoms and....well I hadn't worn them since August, but they tie on the sides and how hard can it be to loosen the side ties? Not hard at all, that part was easy...but things on my body have...shifted? And so no matter what I did, I felt like I was either flashing someone my plumber's crack or a bit of pube. The distressing thing is that I cannot see my vagina anymore which means I cannot shave my own damn forest!! No one told me this would happen?!? Chicken got out the razor and worked some magic until I was no longer flashing any hairy bits!

Wearing a bikini bottom after gaining this much weight was a test for me. I've never before felt my upper thighs touch while walking and I know that my thighs and butt are bigger than they have ever been. People stared at me on the beach and I just kept reminding myself that I have a big belly now and that's what they are looking at, not my thighs or ass. It took me awhile, but I just keep telling myself that these fat deposits are future food storage for these babies and that's all that matters right now. I've got body issues. I know.

I will say as someone who is used to taking 24 plane rides, that I didn't think much of booking a ticket to Mexico for a 3-4 hour flight. However, I have never been pregnant with twins before!
I didn't really calculate how the taxi ride + waiting in the airport + the plane ride + the ride to the resort would add up (about 8-9 hours!) and it really wore me out. The night we arrived I had cankles for the first time ever. Not pretty nor pleasant. On the way back to the US, we were upgraded to Business, so it was much better, but I still just couldn't ever really get comfortable.
I would have loved to be able to take this trip a few weeks prior--but Chicken's schedule wouldn't allow. Overall, we made it and it was extremely relaxing for both of us.

Enjoy the pics!

My view these days...I swear I'm wearing bikini bottoms!!
Bikini Baby Mama!
Hanging out at the swing bar with a limonada
Future Mommies to Be
Chilling on the Beach with my Big Ole Belly o' Twins

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Baby Moon Bound

Hi Internets--

We are taking off for a tropical location for the week for our Baby Moon.
Trust that when I return I'll catch up and maybe even entertain you by posting photos of my big ole belly in a bikini on the beach.

Until then...


Monday, October 5, 2009

19 Week Recap

How Far Along? 19 weeks

Total Weight Gained/Loss?+20 lbs. (I only gained a pound just like I was supposed to! I did it!) And that was with a trip to the Donut Pub (I could not resist), but overall, I did cut back on the sweets.

Maternity Clothes: It's pretty much all maternity all the time now. There are still a few 'regular' shirts I can wear, but everyday I put something else in the 'box' of clothes that no longer fit.
I have no idea what to do about a winter coat. Most of my fall jackets still fit--but I cannot zip/button them!

Sleep? The nose strips started irritating my nose skin and it wasn't so pretty. I had to give them up until the skin healed which led to quite a few unpleasant nights. The leg cramps come and go, but the hip pain comes almost every night. I am loving my Comfort U pregnancy pillow. LOVE it.
The naps have returned a few times during the day. The nap will not be denied.

Aches and Pains? Still need to get to the dentist.
My stomach is so tight and full. Cannot even imagine what it is going to fill like a month, 2 months, 3 months from now.

Best Moments of the Week? Getting an appt with a high risk specialist who is the head of OBGYN/Perinatology at the best hospital in NYC with the best NICU unit. I now feel like I'm going to be in great hands!
Seeing Brandi Carlile in concert on a full moon Saturday night!
Buying an Urban Mountain Buggy Double Stroller (new $700-$800) from another twin mom for $100. Yes, it's used, but it strolls just like it's supposed to.

Movement: Feeling more and more and more of those little fishies.

Food Craving: No cravings (except sweets!)

Food Aversions: None

Morning sickness? None.

Gender: It's either a boy or a girl. Or two of each.

Labor Signs: Nope.

Belly Button: As we say in this house "Belly Ring Finish". I feel a little naked after 12 years of seeing it there.

What I miss: Being able to eat dinner at a normal NYC time. I am now easing toward geriatric time as it gives me the rest of the night to digest and that's better for my sleep. Unfortunately, that has left me hungry in the middle of the night a few times and I've had to get up at 4am and eat cereal in the dark. Can't win!

What I'm looking forward to: Going on our Baby Moon next week!! Spending an entire week with my Chicken doing nothing but relaxing on the beach in the sun.
Another big u/s this Friday to see the kidlets.

Weekly Wisdom: The twice daily use of belly butter plus the oil in the shower has so far kept any stretch marks at bay.

Milestones: Three strangers on three different subway trips have offered their seat to me. I have declined as I don't really need it right now ( and my trip was really short) but it's been nice to have people respect the belly!

I kept track of how far I walked this week and I was shocked! Eleven miles! I don't know how long I'll be able to keep up this level of activity, but for now it feels great.

Scary Monday Morning

After a fairly decent night's sleep, I woke up this morning with abdominal cramping. I was laying on my right side and switched thinking the left is always better. It was...for a little while. I don't know how long, maybe it was 2 minutes, maybe an hour.
But the cramps were getting worse and worse and I didn't know how long I could lay in bed and wish them away.
Doubled over in pain, I barely made it out of the bedroom to the bathroom and collapsed on the toilet. I had no idea what was going on, but I thought I might poo or vomit or both. The main thing on my mind, of course, was if I was losing this pregnancy? Were these preterm labor pains? What was wrong with me?

Holding on to the doorknob and gritting my teeth through the pain I started shaking uncontrollably. I finally cried out for Chicken who by a miracle was working from home today and tomorrow. Otherwise, it was 7am and I would've been all alone. I have no idea what I would have done. By now, I am completely covered in sweat, the beads rolling down my face, into my eyes, my mouth and yet I feel like I'm freezing to death.
In addition, when you're short and you're on the toilet, your feet don't hit the ground flat. The result is that your legs start shaking and you can't stop them because you can't put your feet down. That's the best way to describe it. Every time I am sick, I have to bring something into the bathroom to put on the ground so I am level, so Chicken brings me a pillow for my feet and water.

All of the sudden I need OFF the toilet but I can't move. I feel like if I try to move by myself I will fall on the floor. Chicken helps me into the living room thinking I want to go to the couch, but I don't. I want to lay down directly on the floor. I'm now wearing a sweaty tshirt you could wring out and my pants are around my ankles. I can't move.

Chicken gets out the M.ayo book but can't find anything specific for my condition and we decide to call my OB. Of course, we get an answering service who takes the message and says a nurse will call us back.
Around this point, I decide I really need to get up on all fours and push. Somehow I find the energy to do this, but I don't know what I'm trying to push.
Suddenly that's it, I have to go back to the toilet. And finally...release.
Thank god there is no blood, nothing that suggests the babies are in trouble.

Completely naked and wrapped in a towel, Chicken finally gets me back in bed, covering me with blanket after blanket because no matter what I simply can't get warm. We take my temperature, it is completely normal.
Hour after hour, I make the return trip to the toilet, drink a glass of gatorade and head back to bed to sleep the sleep of the dead.
The nurse determines I have a stomach bug and there is nothing to worry about as long as I still feel the babies moving (I do).
For the rest of the morning and early afternoon, I simply have to get it out of my system.

By mid afternoon, although I'm completely exhausted, I've managed to stay fairly hydrated and have worked up an appetite. Seven hours later and that's it. It's all over.

I now completely understand the intense fear that grips a pregnant woman when she thinks something is going to take it all away from her.
I'm 20 weeks today and for the first time, I'm scared of Chicken being out of town 4 days a week.
I really can't imagine getting through this morning without her. She is so good to me.