
Friday, January 21, 2011

So In Love

I can't believe they are ONE.
(I also can't believe a got a photo of both of them smiling at the same time!)


  1. Happy Birthday to your beautiful boys and Happy 1-Year Anniversary as their moms!

  2. Sweet! Happy birthday, babies (and Mamas)!

  3. Look at those cutey pie big boys!

  4. oh my gosh, the cutest little guys ever!

    You are a rock star for getting that pic.

    BTW, this is the first time they look different to me :)

    Happy birthday, boys, and congrats to you on surviving year 1.

  5. Congrats to you mama. The first year is a huge accomplishment. What a great picture -

    Good job!

  6. Happy birthday boys and wow mamas you have made it through the first year with twins.

  7. They are so stinkin' cute!! Glad you all had a happy first birthday and made it though the first year (relatively)unscathed :)

  8. Absolutely LOVE the photo. Happy Birthday boys!

  9. One!!!! Wow! They are absolutely gorgeous boys, who look oh so happy!!!

  10. Precious picture! Happy birthday big boys.

  11. I love it! They are so BIG! And so stinkin' cute. Happy birthday, boys!

  12. that is a great picture!! happy birthday, little ones! i cant believe they are one already!

  13. Holy Moly they are so adorable!!!! Happy Birthday little monkeys :)

  14. Too cute! Happy birthday to your adorable boys!

  15. Good god they are cute. Happy Birthday boys and congratulations on surviving the first year, Mamas!!

  16. They are so damn cute! It seems like the older they get, the more the one on the right looks like you and the one on the left looks like Chicken. Gorgeous.

  17. Wow they are gorgeous! Happy Birthday boys! And congrats to moms for surviving the first year :-)

  18. I LOVE this picture! Great fleecey pj's--chunk wore the same ones last night ;)

  19. So cute! And I agree with Poppy - one looks like you and one looks like Chicken. Very cool.

  20. Happy birthday to your babies!

    And I wanted to say thank you for your blog. I am a single mom by choice to twin boys and like you, had pre-e and HELLP syndrome. That's where our similarities end though. I only BF for 4 weeks (kudos to you!) and after reading about your babies' fussiness early on, realize I am pretty lucky. I'm sorry you had such a rough time.

    Your posts about sleep training have been especially helpful as I'm knee deep in that right now - my boys turned 5 months yesterday.

    Baby-proofing and solid foods are in the works too.

    Thank you so much for sharing. It has been really helpful to me and I will definitely keep reading.

    And Gossip Girl? How cool is that?! :)
