
Monday, April 25, 2011

Should We Move to Florida?

What? You wanted the tissue IN the box? Oops.

My big boy Whoop Whoop pulling his new truck down the beach.
My new (steal at TJ Maxx!) bikini and post baby body.

Digging holes. Does it get any better?

Oh, it's busy around here. I don't think I've ever gone this long without a post.
So's bullet time:

  • I'm taking a writing class this semester and using my creative brain again. It's really nice, but time consuming.
  • Both boys are fully walking, W2 quite fast and he N.E.V.E.R stops.
  • I had started going to the gym about a month ago and was getting back into yoga and pilates. It was great and really helped my abs.
  • Now, I spend so much time running after two little guys going in opposite directions that if I go to the gym I can't do much else. workout is now twin running.
  • HN fractured her foot so I am solo for....I honestly have no idea.
  • The Florida trip was great. We thought it might be life-changing and it was. We came back seriously wondering how we are going to deal with these two kiddos in a small apartment. They loved being outside so much (and they are outside here twice a day usually).
  • The answer is murky. But we are thinking of moving. Uh, to Florida.
  • As in house buying, yard for playing, pool in the backyard, deck with a grill and (hybrid) SUV in the front. I'm a little in shock. I have never wanted these 'things'.
  • Having kids sure does change you and where you think about living!
  • The houses are so cheap right now it's mind blowing.
  • Chicken was offered a new role--also internal and is hand picking her new team. This role is also remote and so...
  • We can live in Florida on a NYC salary.
  • Outside is nice. Beach is nice. More family nearby is nice (4 aunties and her father part time).
  • We would have enough money to pay for private school and not worry about where or how our kids are going to get into school. The NYC preschool experience is one I wouldn't care if we missed.
  • Needless to say, we're not getting a murphy bed right now:)
  • For now, we are sucking it up on the sofa bed (which became a lot more comfortable when we got the price quote from the designers) and really weighing our options on what we what to do.
  • The lease is up Dec. 31, so we are not rushed.
  • Number 1 issue is space and quality of life.
  • We both love NYC so much, but we feel we will never make quite enough money to have the life we want here.
  • A wardrobe of shorts and flip flops sure is a lot cheaper:)
  • If I never have to experience winter again other than being on a ski trip, I would be one happy Puffer.

So, that's where we are. It's intense.
If any of you Floridians...I know you are out there...have any words of advice for us, we would really appreciate it. We have all the legal documents, health care proxy, wills, etc., would have second parent adoption completed and both of us are on the original birth certificate.

Now, I have to finish my lunch and edit some papers for my class tonight while the kids are still napping.
Miss you all.


  1. Where in FL are you thinking of moving to? My wife and I live in the Orlando area. We are actually moving further south in a couple of years. We love it here though. The weather is fantastic - Cheeks loves being outdoors - and the cost of living isn't horrible.

    One thing I will say is that when it comes to Florida's government, it's like living in the "south". Currently, a gay/lesbian couple can't adopt a child when together (we just got the ability to do so as a single parent - wayyyy behind the times). Also, FL doesn't recognize any same-sex marriage certificate from another state. One thing that is good is that depending on which county you move to, you can register as domestic partners - this will at least give you some rights (not very many - but some!).

    It sounds like you have most of this stuff covered by legal documents though - so it shouldn't really affect your family! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions :)

    PS - Sorry for such a long comment!!

  2. Can I say that you look fabulous!
    I get what you mean about how babies change your perspective, we used to live in the city, Toronto, but when we got closer to the babies becoming a reality, we moved to a more suburban area(still Toronto), but we have a yard, and a playground in our backyard, and neighbours with little kids for our kids to play with. It's nice, and I don't miss the city life...
    I have been to Florida a few Times, the Clearwater area, I wasn't a huge fan, too many pawn shops and i felt like i was in an old age home! but there are many nicer areas, and hopefully someone can give you some recommendations.

  3. I live in a great fantastic city with lots to do and great places to eat and almost never get out! What I do now is go to parks, libraries and community centers. It is true that babies change many things.

  4. First- damn girl! You have an amazing bikini body (and cool suit too!)

    Second, with all of the documents you have for the boys, you should be AOK in any major Florida cities.
    A big plus of moving to Florida is also the lack of state income tax!

    I miss it horribly! Good luck in scoping out the possibility of moving.

  5. Have you talked with the ladies over at Finding Chaos? ( they moved to FL just last year I believe...

  6. Hey! I haven't been able to read your blog in such a long time, what with having been away etc, but it's nice to come back and see you writing still! I can't believe how big the boys got, and they are gorgous! And WHAT A BOMBSHELL; moving to Florida! I've never been to the states, but can only imagine the difference in lifestyles between NYC and FL!

    Hope you're well!

    (Previously of Andrea and Melanie go to the world ... i have my own blog now :))

  7. Love the photos. You all look so happy!

    Your move sounds so exciting. I know nothing about Florida, but I do know how much life changes with walking toddlers and just how much they NEED to be outdoors once they have experienced it. This sounds like a really great step to take, and I can't wait to hear more about it!

  8. I had a super long post written about Fl and it got deleted! So if you want to email me I can let you know all I know about Florida. I've lived here my whole life, if you tell me your price range and what your looking for I can try to guide you to some areas that you might like. :)

  9. Wow!!!
    Well you've got the body to be a beach mom! So go for it!
    Sounds like all things point south! And as for DW's job, sounds like a dream! What kind of work does she do?
    Great about the writing class!
    Can't wait to hear all the developments!!!!

  10. Well I have to say I have waited for this post since the boys have become so mobile. And as I read all the reasons for moving I thought yes but you love NYC. Until I reached the part about private schooling. There you got me. You are both great parents you will be great no matter where you live and thinking about giving up somewhere you both love living for the well being and future of your family proves it. Those boys are just two of the most beautiful babies ever! And I have four graNDchildren I know beautiful babies lol.....

  11. Holly Shit! Your body rocks! I just had baby 3 months ago and still have 10 lbs to lose. Plus 8 lbs from baby #1 4 years ago. I know .... but I love chocolate :-)
    I live in FL for 10 years, actually 11. First Tampa, then West Palm and now half an hour north of WPB. Any specific questions? I will be glad to help if I can. Where are you looking to buy?

  12. Wow! Florida on an NYC salary. Everybody wins!! Excpet NYC of course-- I hope we get to see you before you go!

    You look great.

  13. Just keep in mind gays have no rights in FL so get all your legal stuff taken care of before you move...and make sure they will be valid in FL. I am from there and would rather not go back because of the lack of gay rights...I am from south florida though so that is not so bad. We are here if you have any questions..

  14. LOVE the tissue box looks :)

  15. crazy. i just read another blog i love and they recently fixed a house in florida. they are lookin' to sell. it has an awesome back story ;) you'll see:
    it looks great now.

  16. So good to hear from you and WOW on all that is going on. Sounds exciting! I know nothing of FL, but it sounds like the change could be a really positive one for your family. Good luck and way to go Chicken on the job! Awesome!

    Curious about the writing class. Is it online and if so, how did you find it? Considering something like that myself.

  17. well well well, I saw your status on fb and thought, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm can't wait to read more :)

    This is BIG! BIG!

    Gosh, any move to the beach will be fabulous and if you throw in some help from family, even better. And on a NYC salary? I'd say you'd be crazy to not go, unless it affects quality of life and your and K's other values.

  18. the boys are so freaking cute! it's great that you've made a decision about where you want to be and i wish you luck with the move.

  19. Wow, Florida! Though this horrible winter has really made me want to move someplace that never sees snow, I'm far too chickenshit to move to a place with such anti-gay laws. I'll be interested to see what you decide. The boys look adorable, and way to go on being able to wear a bikini! I start baby swim class in 2 days, and am absolutely dreading being seen in a bathing suit!

  20. hellooooo! i stumbled onto your fantastic blog last year when i was pregnant with twins (i had girls in november). actually, i did a google image search to see if the enormity of my belly was normal. it returned some of your belly shots, which led me to your blog, and i've been a reader ever since. thanks for sharing all of your experiences with twins!

    we are headed to florida to see my folks in a few weeks, and i am wondering if you have any tips for flying with two infants...besides the "warm glass of shut the hell up" (boob in the mouth) technique. :) i definitely plan to rely heavily on that, but are there any other tips/tricks for keeping them happy, making them nap in an unfamiliar place, etc.?

    thanks so much!!
