
Friday, March 29, 2013

Bangkok or Bust

There's been so much going on with 'plans' and I've gone too far inside my future head.
Taking a step back here's what we have decided:
We don't want to move to Europe or Latin America.  Our sights have been set on Asia 100% and that's where we want to channel all of our energy.

Receiving a blessing from the monks in 2004

So, Chicken is interviewing for
jobs in the region (Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok).  A LOT of feelers/connections, etc have been put out and we will have to see where this all leads.

IF the expat/work abroad gig all comes together in the next 6 months, then we move.
IF it doesn't, we go with the original plan of traveling with the kids.  The sabbatical will be 6 months-one year.  Not sure how much they will give us and we haven't pushed it....yet.  Of course, I want one year!

Either way, in six months we will be GOING!
The official countdown has begun.
I am positively giddy with the excitement the future is going to bring.

In my room, Nong Khai.  Thailand 2004

Plus, there's one more HUGE decision we've made.  The NYC apartment will be gone.  We'll not try to sublet it or hold onto it.  We will go and be free.  Whatever we decide after re-entry, is a mystery.
Perhaps we'll stay abroad or find a place on the beach or...who knows.
But, we are GOING!!

My scooter, loaded up from a shopping trip.


  1. my heart jumped when i saw the post subject pop up in my reader! I SO hope we will be doing this some day too.

    After our recent trip to Mexico and Izzy's verbal/Spanish explosion, I'd really like to do something like what you did in Costa Rica. I can look back in the archives but any chance you'd share some more details? particularly the name of the school and who we might contact about it? We arent thinking for another two years but I can start planning :)

  2. I love how very determined and task orientated you guys are

  3. oh you KNOW I love this stuff!

    You SOOOO inspire me - I can't wait to see where you end up and who knows, maybe we'll have a family holiday where you are soon and visit with you.

    I would love that!

    Thanks for your lovely comment the other day - yes, you're so calm and centred! :)

  4. Hi there, myself and my partner are doing the same as you guys but with our 3 year old son and a pregnant me (trip was booked before we found out). We are hoping to stay in Thailand for 3 months from October and basically wing it whilst over there. We are from the uk and I'm apprehensive as you can imagine. Any friendly advice would be much appreciated :-)
