Monday, July 19, 2010

Gossip Much?

A few weeks ago I got a tip that a certain very popular TV show was auditioning for twin boys just about the age of my guys.
By the time I got the tip, they were already doing the open casting call that very day and I'd missed it.
I figured, what the hell, I'll email the casting director with a few (OK, 10) photos of the boys and their stats even though it's too late for us to make it to the open call.
Well, to my great surprise she called me back in less than 10 minutes and was very interested. They were making a decision the next day and she'd let me know.
I never heard back from her and that was that.

She called me last Friday and said the twins they cast 'might not work out'...something like that.
Could we come in for a 2 hour interview on Tuesday? Um, sure!
This is not an open casting call, this is just for MY guys! And this casting agency does many other shows, not just this particular show so now we are in the database.

Our plan is to wear the boys on the subway in the Ergo/s and hope to God they nap and are in a good mood when we arrive to wow the producers!
Regardless, it will be an interesting outing and pretty cool to see 'behind the scenes'.
I don't currently watch this show, but I bet some of you do. I will be watching religiously if we get the part!
Wish us luck!


Anonymous said...

How exciting!! I sure hope the boys get the part. I will be looking forward to hear how to interview goes.

N said...

Awesome! Cheering your guys on. :D

giggleblue said...

cool! can't wait to hear how it turns out!

cindyhoo2 said...

What fun. Now I am so curious about what show!

Allison said...

That. Is awesome. Good luck! : )

Melissa said...

How could they not be picked! Fingers crossed.

Two Moms, Two Monkeys said...

Don't watch the show but would totally watch if you tell us the boys got the part! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

OOOOHHHH!!!! Squee! Totally cool!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, fingers are crossed.


Mina said...

Oh, how cool! I love that show, I hope they get the part!

Mina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jen said...

So COOL! We have watched every episode so now I am curious who is getting preggo!!! :) Can't wait to hear all about it.

Anonymous said...

Ooooo! I hope they get it! So, if they do, your going to tell us which show so we can watch right?

K J and the kids said...

Lights, Camera, ACTION !
They're stars already.

Anonymous said...

This just made me think of Full House. Like, so hardcore. And you know they used two sets of twins on it.

Jesus. I love you and all, but I sort of hate you because now I want to see if Full House is on DVD so I can buy it. UGH.

Anonymous said...

How cool is that? Good luck!

Did I miss a clue about what show you are talking about? I'm dying to know now.

AdventuresInBabyMaking said...

So cool. I've never seen it, but I'd totally watch your little thespians. :)

Nicole said...

How fun! I'm assuming the show is the one that shares the same name as this post, yes? If so, I'm an avid follower and there was a pregnancy announced on the season finale so that makes sense. Put those babies to work!

tbean said...

So cool! W2 and Grunter...the next Mary-Kate and Ashely?

Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

how freakin cool is that! cant wait to hear!

pugmamma said...

Neat! Good luck.

Pomegranate said...

omg that's freaking awesome. don't watch the show much, but would definitely watch the boys!

This Mom said...

So cool! Good luck!