Saturday, June 21, 2008

Fabulous Mermaid Parade, Iffy Play, Excellent 'Inoteca and the Workaholic

K is a workaholic. It’s probably best that she works on the client site Monday-Thursday because it would make me crazy to have her home very weekday night but only very, very late and still not accessible at all. When she leaves Monday morning, she’s pretty much cut off until I see her again on Friday. It’s a little insane, but so far we’ve been doing this for two years and it’s working.

So when the weekend rolls around I make plans for us…and then engage in conversations where I convince her that it’s more important for her to leave the house and do something fun than to work all weekend.

*Full Disclosure*

I am excellent at having fun and not working and never, ever feeling guilty about that!

We finally made it to the Mermaid Parade, a completely original creation of Coney Island USA, the Mermaid Parade is the nation's largest art parade and one of New York City's greatest summer events. We were late as K was hedging back and forth about going and then she needed to eat and blahblahblah, but we finally made it on the subway and one hour later emerged in Coney Island.

Not only did we have a fantastic time watching the parade, but you would’ve thought K had just discovered sliced bread with the amount of “we are so lucky to be able to do all of these amazing things every weekend in New York City and I love Brooklyn and isn’t this great and look the ocean is right there and we should really do these types of things more often” Well YES! That’s why I’m always trying to get you to not work so much on the weekends! Ha Ha!

After watching the parade for an hour or so, we walked along the beach and came across a lesbian marching band who had finished the parade and were now performing not "on" the beach, but "in" the beach!

It was awesome dancing along in the water and watching everyone have such a great time.

When we spied a fried clam shack and a taco shack, we ditched our plans of going back to the city and parked ourselves on the boardwalk with everyone else.

Later that night we met up with a friend back in the East Village and went to an Off-Off-Off Broadway play, Stitched. It was...interesting. Or as K would say, "You know I don't think I like this kind of play".

Then we all headed down to the Lower East Side and made a late night dinner of meat and cheese plates at the bar 'Inoteca. Good times, great friends.

Feeling fine, not counting days, not stressing. Just enjoying.

I love Summer.


Anonymous said...

Good for you for getting K out of the house and not working. It warms my heart to hear you love brooklyn so much, summer can be wonderful here. Your not stressing is inspiring. I am going to do my best this cycle at relaxing too.

giggleblue said...

i'm the workaholic but it's always good to be forced to get out and enjoy life!!! i'm sure k loves you for it! oh, and we are coming upon the big testing day - i'm now officially stalking your blog.

Anonymous said...

you are right. NYC ROCKS in the summer time? i miss it so very much b/c summer just isn't summer unless you have the time out ny guide and finding all the park/free stuff to do! we hope to be back there by fall 2009!

Anonymous said...

I love summer too! I also love not working. <3

Lizzie said...

Awesome photos. I love summer, too. And now I'm loving YOUR summer!!