Saturday, April 24, 2010

Not Moving To the Burbs

For those of you living in a car city/town with infants/twin infants, I have no idea how you make it out if the house.
We are so ready to return the rental car, get on the plane and be back in a walking city.

What do you do when your baby is melting down in the backseat?
I spent over 80% of every car trip climbing from the front to the back and many times ultimately we pulled over to take a baby out, comfort him and sometimes resorting to a bit of comfort breast feeding.

Cars=not fun.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Mommy and Mamita said...

Both my boys have been great in the car. We do a lot of car trips and they will have the occasional meltdown, but the car is usually the ultimate pacifier.

Strawberry said...

The time during which Miles melted down in the car was relatively short. Once he got used to it, he would either amuse himself or fall asleep. Your boys just aren't used to it ;-)

cindyhoo2 said...

You sound completely "over" the car thing! I hope you get back into your comfy metro soon.

Laurie said...

It's probably just because they aren't used to it. Ryan babbles and plays in his seat :)

Anonymous said...

I live in LA, possibly the ultimate car city, and baby does not like being in the car. It's a little torturous. I sit in the back with him when Mommy is with us, though it does little good. Hoping he learns to like the car soon!

Anonymous said...

Earplugs! Our kids hated being stuck in traffic, but were mostly ok when we were moving. So, we did most of our shopping at night.

Jen said...

Chunk loves the car and we just made a 4 hour roadtrip and he slept the entire way. We are constantly in and out f the way, and thankfully he is a perfect car baby.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the car was the only respite. In fact for months it was the only way we could get Jack to nap. Baby naps, I drink coffee and read the paper. Good combination. Laura

Anonymous said...

my twins and I stayed home bound for the most part the first year:( i found that after going down the road (literally 2 min)to pick the my older one i would have pit stains from sweating. carrying two car seats buffs you up a bit