Saturday, August 30, 2008

Up or Down? Down, Please.

This morning, Dr VID, due to my lack of spotting in the past couple of thinking I might be having a uterine based miscarriage rather than an ectopic/tubal pregnancy. 
He spent a lot of time up my hoo-ha with the dildo cam looking for a sac, but it's just so early and incredibly difficult to tell.
We decided the best plan of action would be to come in for a D&C tomorrow morning.  Wow, I never thought I'd be having my uterus scraped on a Sunday morning when I'd planned on going to the beach.  It's like a mini abortion and I never thought I'd be having that done.  It's not really like that, but yeah, it sorta, kinda, is all at the same time.

Can I tell you how weird it feels to be relieved?  That hopefully we can get this done quickly and it won't be a long, drawn-out and far more complicated process like an ectopic would have been?
He's even cautiously optimistic that if this works and my numbers go down--I'm free to go to Indonesia.  He doesn't need to see the numbers return to zero, just going down all next week.
Sweet Jesus.  Please go down numbers.

ETA:  Just got the numbers back from the blood draw--they are going down by themselves.  I am so happy.  Thank you body, thank you universe.  Change of plans:  Dr. VID is having me come back tomorrow morning and we'll do another blood test at 8am.  They will rush the results and I should know by 8:30.  If they are still going down by themselves--no D&C.  If not, I'm in for a 9am appointment.

Thinking positive and optimistically--We're taking our beach bag to the clinic and if the results are good, we're going to the beach.  And hopefully--next week we'll be on the beach in Bali. 
Because really, who doesn't need a freaking vacation after 8 months of TTC, getting pregnant and having a miscarriage?
I guess the universe wants me to go scuba diving after all.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I agree with your gay blog friend that you are accepting this well. And you are correct, it's not your fault, it just happens. Here's hoping that nature works her ways gently on her own, and that you have a wonderful trip to to Bali and see all sorts of amazing things under the sea. We'll be here when you return to follow your journey.

-Nutella and Strawberry

C&H said...

Sending you positive thoughts. Here's hoping you are on a beach in Bali by next week, simply enjoying life.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm really hoping for you that this works and you're on the beach in Bali next week. Take good care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

I hope the numbers continue to go down and that you can take the trip you planned. This is so hard-- I'm thinking of you.

mulberry said...

your body is taking care, moving through this. that is really good... hopefully it will keep on processing and will clear things out on its own. the body is an amazing thing.

i hope it works out that you can go to bali :) i am so glad that the danger seems passed as it is not looking ectopic anymore.

thinking of you and K

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you are out of danger. You are handling this with such grace. I hope your numbers go down and you can skip the D&C and go relax on a pretty beach. Peace and love to you.

N said...

Fingers crossed that all goes well, and you get to see the beach soon.

Anonymous said...

So sorry you are having to deal with all of this... it sucks. You sound like you are handling it quite well though... I hope this time passes quickly for you guys.

Chris said...

I'm happy to hear that you are not in any danger but sad for you that this egg didn't work out. I have always admired your strength.
BTW, You can have our TV. I can't stand the thing.

Lizzie said...

I'm still so sorry that you are not pregnant anymore, but I am so relieved to hear that your body is responding and healing and taking care. I hope at the dr.'s today, you are cleared for the trip. Hugs.