Saturday, November 22, 2008

So Relaxed...

We trekked out to this Korean spa today.  It was the second time for me, but the first for K.  
Whoa, so relaxing!  We both got Korean body scrubs and massages and while it wasn't as cheap as Bali, it was a bargain for NYC as this place is at the edge-of-nowhere, suburban Queens which required 3 trains and a free shuttle van.
If you don't mind getting naked with a bunch of Asian and Russian women--you'll love this place.

During the 5 hours we spent there, we sampled 5 different hot tubs and 10 different saunas, plus some quite decent Korean food.  There are more pools and tubs on the outdoor top floor of the building (there are 5 floors!) but we just couldn't get the courage to step outside in the freezing night air to get to the warm water.
This place is like nothing I've ever seen!

If you're in the NYC area and you aren't actively TTC, it's a great (warm) way to spend a cold day.
I'm glad I fit it into my month break.

Now we are back at home, drinking homemade hot chocolate and about to watch the Itt.y Bi.tty Ti.tty Committee.
Winter is for nesting...and K is home for a whole 10 days!!!!  It's like a staycation!


cindyhoo2 said...

Your day sounds lovely! My partner and I watched that movie a few nights ago... I will be interested to hear your thoughts. She and I debated turning the movie off several times. :)

Anonymous said...

Mmmm... sounds lovely.

Les Make Babies said...

That sounds blissful - great to hear that K is home for a nice long stretch.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that place looks amazing! You know how to live it up.

Have a great 10 days with K home!

tbean said...

I read about that place in the Times earlier this fall. It looked AMAZING.

Carrie said...

ooo tell me what you thought of the movie. we added it to our netflix queue a few weeks ago!

Anonymous said...

This sounds great!

Anonymous said...

I love NY. That spa looks amazing. That must be fabulous to have K for 10 days.

Anonymous said...

Our days are made up of rushed, stressful events. Work, family obligations and errands leave little time for us to enjoy a few moments of solitude. I happy for you. Hope you have more such days in life.
- Jennie